Hockey Stick


The Hockey Stick Effect, the Little Ice Age
and the Medieval Warm Period
By: Gerald T. Westbrook

The author of this article, Gerald T. Westbrook, debunks the “Hockey Stick Effect,”  an analysis designed by Michael Mann to support claims of global warming by portraying temperatures as being relatively stable for over 950 years until a sudden spike upward in the latter part of the 20th century.

In developing the Hockey Stick Effect,” Westbrook shows how Mann ignores evidence of the Little Ice Age as well as the Medieval Warm Period in order to bolster his conclusions. Without ignoring these two critical periods of our climate history, supported by data from the IPCC itself, Mann would be unable to give credence to his conclusions.

IN addition, the author cites others in the scientific community to debunk Mann’s conclusions and discloses Mann based the major part of his analysis around tree ring data, a faulty source of information for this type of study.

In the process of showing the fallacies of Mann’s work, the author takes an interesting historical  side trip to the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period. These sketches make this article a must read all by themselves. But coupled with the other insightful narratives, this article should be on everyone’s list!

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